Started college a few weeks ago expecting to change myself. I didn’t want a repeat of highschool where I had no friends and never did anything social. Now on my third week: no friends, no girlfriend, no plans, and most people I met even have a negative view of me at this point. Like they just get cold and stop wanting to have anything to do with me. I really thought I tried everything. I put myself out there, joined a few clubs, I mostly stopped using reddit and 4chan. I really don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Even if a conversation goes well, nothing comes of it, we just walk away and never see each other again. I noticed people even actively avoid sitting near me in a lecture. I shower every day and do laundry every week so I know I don’t smell or anything. I think I just give off an aura of being a loser and people pick up on this and are repulsed by me. I noticed that everyone is mostly situated at this point and the cliques already formed (or are soon to form) so I pretty much gave up since things are going to be static for the next 4 years. All I do now is go to class, study, and rot.

1 comment
  1. I think you’ve diagnosed it correctly. People make a lot of instant judgments based on Personal Aura and little else.

    Have you followed up with any of these people you’ve met and asked them to do anything with you?

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