About a year ago my dad revealed to me and my brother that he had 2 other kids with another woman. He lied about the kids ages and how long he’d been with this woman. I wouldn’t care about it that much had he not betrayed my mother and told us when it happened. Apparently he had been with this woman for 7 years while my parents were together. After discovering this we stopped talking to him. Now he is refusing to help us financially unless we meet up with him.

We are supposed to be meeting up with him tonight. He has been constantly blaming us as children for “not making him a priority” over text. He has manipulated my whole family. Hours before we meet up I’m getting a bit anxious. I know he will try to play the victim, and I don’t know if this is something we can win. Any advice?

TL;DR: My father has been hiding a secret family and we will be confronting him tonight. Any advice?

  1. > I don’t know if this is something we can win. Any advice?

    What do you hope to gain from having anything to do with him?

  2. “Dad, if you want our love and respect you will need to show consistency and give us the time and space to make peace with your 7 year infidelity. You cannot buy our love but you most certainly can lose it by cutting us off in an attempt to blackmail us”.

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