Just don’t be a creep. A woman should be secure with you. Attraction starts with security. And know when to respond to her signs.

  1. > “Just don’t be a creep.”

    No problem.

    > “A woman should be secure with you. Attracion starts with security.”

    Makes sense.

    > “And know when to respond to her signs.”

    Aaaaaaand we’re fucked…

  2. >And know when to respond to her signs.

    That is actually the 99%, and entirely separate from being a gentleman.

  3. Being a gentleman and not a creep is easy. Don’t talk to women, don’t try to date them, don’t pursue them as a romantic/sexual partner and you’ll never creep out any woman as long as you live. You’ll also never have a girlfriend or have sex. As soon as you decide you want to start trying to talk to women, “be a gentleman” becomes more complicated.

  4. It’s true though. Women need to feel secure with someone to want to have sex with them.

  5. Lol this guy is either good looking, has money, or lives in fantasy land. 99% of game is not being a gentleman. Being a gentleman can help and it’s a choice but that’s what having game is

  6. >Attraction starts with security.

    Attraction actually starts with a symmetrical face. If you have that, the rest is easy

  7. No it’s not dipshit. Being a “gentleman” is bare minimum. It means you aren’t a douchebag. “Game” means knowing how to talk to women and what gets them going. I agree you should obviously be kind to women, but that alone won’t get you anything. You need to learn to be charismatic and funny and actually attract women.

  8. It’s mostly about being able to read body language and social cues and reacting appropriately.

  9. Step 1. Be attractive

    Step 2. Don’t be unattractive

    Step 3. You can act and read signals the same way, no matter what you do, will depend on if she finds you attractive. You can do literally the same “pickup” strategy or say the same things, an ugly guy will be called a creep for staring or initiating a conversation with a random woman, and an attractive guy will be a flirt.

  10. Girls call me “scary” (aka. Creepy) just from looking at a photo of me. Not even exaggerating. So obviously it’s not all about “being a gentleman”

  11. No, it’s not. I am a gentleman. When past that first little bit the relationships go great. People like me and respect me. The problem is that initial bit, and that is soooo much of “game”

  12. hard disagree

    psychology is a real thing, people who understand even the basics have better game

    having or not having game will almost never change whether the other person finds you attractive but if you’re quick witted, funny, charismatic, and you know how to talk persuasively you’re more likely to get that yes easier and more straight forwardly

  13. Errr….I think you’re making this too simplistic. “Game” is just being able to leverage your social skills to generate attraction, which will depend on the girl in question, the location, the context, and your physical appearance. So game has to be quite adaptable, which is why guys screw it up all the time. Game is like olympic figure skating with all the speed and nuance while many guys are like baby giraffe’s learning how to walk.

  14. True but huge difference in being a gentleman and acting like one. Remember dating is not just the first date.

  15. Men are strightforward in their intentions. We have no crystal ball, just to let you know

  16. no.
    sorry i gotta disagree.
    i mean dont be an azzhole jackazz. bur its not just being a “gentleman”

  17. This shit isn’t advice when every woman has different signs. And men have different ways of interrupting signs. The number of girls in high school who told me I never picked up their signs is so high it blows my mind. I never made a move because I was being respectful to a friend. Risks need to be taken.

  18. Being a Gentleman is considered boring. Being nice doesn’t work or get you noticed.

    Seemingly persistence is the only key. Most women have so many opportunities or interactions that if you aren’t ‘front and centre’ you will simply be forgotten.

    Look at it as trying to attract the attention of a moth. Just keep waving around that bright light.

  19. >Just don’t be a creep

    Can we not tell men that all they need to do to get pussy is “not be a creep,” this kind of feeds into the “I’m a nice guy, women should date me!” thing a lot of dudes do.

  20. People sure pull out the “99%” thing out of their ass. 99% of game is just being a gentleman? I don’t think you know too many women.. you might as well have just said “just be yourself bro”.. same energy but to each it’s own.

  21. More meaningless platitudes and generalities that don’t actually help struggling men out. What “signs” precisely? And how might a man go about developing a vocabulary for picking them up? And if attraction began with security, Tinder, nightclubs, and Coachella would not exist lol.

  22. The amount of gaslighting Jesus Christ

    Why is this being upvoted this is shit vague advice

  23. Being a “nice guy” isn’t great advice for success in dating.

    We all know the ‘bad boys’ get more interest and action.

    You have to be good in the right way, bad in the right way, and it has to match the personality and preferences of the women in question.

  24. >Attraction starts with security.

    Attraction starts with attraction. The difference between creepy and mysterious is how hot he is. This is basically saying “don’t be unattractive”. Thanks, got it.

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