So kind of a complicated and childish story but I (22M) have been really attracted to this girl (21F) for some time now. In the past we have matched on dating apps, swiped up on each others stories and always had small talk showing interest in eachother but nothing really ever came out of it because I was just trying to look for a hookup which was a mistake. Last year during this time, I messaged her and we began talking for a few days eventually planning a date on the weekend. Halfway through the week she decided to ignore one of my texts mid conversation. The days pass and she never responds. Date never happened and we have not communicated since then. She consistently said that she’s a bad texter, but it seems like she just wasn’t interested in the end? I contemplated at the time messaging to see if she still wanted to go out but never did.

It’s some pretty immature online back and forth stuff so I don’t really care that much if it works out. I’ve had a relationship before for 2 years and am in college right now so there’s no short of girls. I just think this girl is very attractive and she has some similar interests to me so I’ve been thinking of messaging her again and being adamant on going on a date. Any suggestions?

  1. Believe me, I used to ask myself that all the time. And I have learned when she says she’s a “bad texter” she is feeding you a line as to why she blew you off. If she REALLY wanted to keep talking or go out she wouldn’t have left you in the air like that. If she is genuinely interested she make up a reason to talk to you.

    Just learn from my mistake, don’t ever chase women. If you want to see about being with someone, pursue them. The difference being chasing implies desperation, pursuing has intention strategy and purpose behind it. While the former is a desperate rush the other is deliberate. Even so this should violate standards you should have in who you want to pursue. Respect yourself, be better, and if you want to date; talk to plenty of women. So long as you can weed out the users, attention seekers, and time wasters. Only put your focus into something that will be of benefit to you, or your community, or best yet your God should you be a worshiper.

    Cut her off though, she sounds like she isn’t a prize at all. No attention, focus, or effort given to her.

  2. I’m in the same situation, this girl I like hasn’t been replying to me lately and left me on read. We went out a couple of times and had a great time, I tried asking her out this week but no response and I was gonna tell her how I feel. Should I continue to try to chase her and tell her how I feel or just cut and try to get over her?

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