Most people who had an NDE were close to death as a result of illness or an accident.

If there was a way to artificially induce an NDE and bring you back safely would you choose to have that experience? Why or why not?

Has there been any person known who intentionally induced an NDE?

I would love to have that experience just to see what happens

  1. No, why would I?

    Plus it’s induced, meaning it can also go overboard which makes me really dead. Again why would I want that?

  2. Yes. I feel death puts things into perspective. I honestly would support having the service subsidized and provided for free to those who feel suicidal and are committed to following through with it, that way maybe the NDA helps them put things into perspective.

    I’d probably get addicted to it though, I can only imagine the rush it would bring. Maybe make it like donating blood, but much much more stringent, ie can only do it once every 6 months.

  3. It is my understanding that most people don’t actually experience or remember anything from it. It’s just like going to sleep and then waking up.

  4. Depending on what it is yes. But I wouldn’t want to know its artificial. Id be interested in how I respond.

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