Hi everyone. I’m 25F and my partner is 24M. We are both in grad school (I’m in a teaching program and he’s in law school) and we have been together for almost 2.5 years. We have lived together for just over a year.

The past few months have been terrible sex-wise (I would say since July). He’s usually the one all ramped up and ready to go but my chronic illnesses and grad school stress gets in the way. But recently I’ve been the one ready for sex, which is rare with my reproductive issues, and he is caught in a depressive episode so the last thing he wants to do is have sex. We are trying our best to be there for each other.

I know this situation is temporary and things will be better once this very stressful semester is over but I’m losing my mind. I can only do things solo so much. I don’t want to bitch that we aren’t having sex because that’ll just make him feel worse but I’m losing my mind. I miss our intimacy, we used to have sex at least once a week. Now we only have sex once or twice a month MAX.

I am just so frustrated and I know he is too. Whenever I try to initiate or he does, one of us isn’t in the mood. Any advice is appreciated, I’ve never had this problem before.

1 comment
  1. You guys are over worked and over stressed. The sex needs to happen. Women show love and get attention through snuggling, and men via sex. You need to have sex. Going to bed at night is a wonderful time for me and my girl, when it’s over mmmmm, she snuggles in deep into her spot right up next to me and sleeps all night. I can’t sleep without her in bed. I love this woman. I suspect your busy lifestyle is the problem. Get your schooling done, stay faithful. Tell him your horny and grab his junk, be his dirty girl, daily touch him or snuggle, lots of affection. I bet he gets in the mood or comes around. I really think it’s stress! Cut back on so much stuff. When you have free time, take a nice walk holding hands and chill.

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