I was drinking with my friends last night. One guy who I haven’t really been friends with for long was putting his arm around me, holding my hand, and rubbing my back. I asked him this morning if he liked me, wanted to have sex, or just drunk. He said just drunk but my friends don’t believe him. They think he’s lying because he goes out with them a lot but doesnt always do that. Should I tell him off? Does he actually like me? How do I even continue the friendship without it being awkward?

  1. Take this with the obvious grain of salt, but they do say drunk actions are sober thoughts…

    He may deny it, but I know if I was him I’d also try and Adamantly deny it to try and save face from the embarrassment. Maybe pry a little into it.

  2. Why it feels like you both are confused? He seems like a good guy. At least he cares for you. If you are thinking of him in a “more than a friend” way, just drink with him again and you cuddle him. Demonstrate you are interested.

  3. If you are single that’s fine. If you have a bf then that crap needs to stop. You can’t have other men touching you if you are in a relationship. Facts

  4. I’ve never cuddled on a girl I don’t have an interest in seeing her vagina, drunken or not.

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