I’m in my early 30s and only recently I started getting more attention from women. I only had one gf in my 20s that only lasted 6 months and I was always rejected by women for anything. It’s still a struggle and I am trying to get better with women and have more sexual experiences to know what I like and don’t like and actually be better at it too. But I sometimes think I’m just wasting time and should just find someone to date long term but I feel like it won’t be enough and I’ll still have the urge to have sex with different women.

I’m trying not to think about it so much and get over it but I can’t get over something I never had. Will these feelings ever go away?

  1. That’s a question we really can’t answer for ya. It’s up to you want you wanna do. Understand this tho. You’re YOUNG my man. If you wanna settle down no ones saying you have to do so like tomorrow or something.

  2. Stay away from porn. It’s unrealistic and probably gives you a sense of “oh I want to fuck all kinds of women” if this isn’t the case,, don’t get into a relationship if you have even an inkling of this kind of mindset. You’ll be toxic. However, no one is good at sex on a one night stand. Especially guys. You’ll probably get off… but you won’t be considered good and the sex itself won’t be memorable. The best kind of sex is the kind you have with someone after learning about each other

  3. You don’t get much out of more people, you can have just as good and generally better sex with one person. More people might broaden your horizons a little, but being with someone where there’s lots of trust and affection is where the good stuff happens.

  4. It’s really on you. I have had sex with only a few women but it’s not uncommon for me a relationship to have sex most days of the week. I enjoy that because I both get to have a lot more sex, and we both learn each other so you don’t have the awkward moments as much where you both are just trying to learn.

    However, many people, especially men are intrigued by having a lot of different experiences, or a lot of different people. I see nothing wrong with either.

    My opinion (which I feel is controversial), is to not define your relationship goals really early on. I am looking for long term and hope to marry again but it doesn’t have to be the next person I date. For example, my last relationship was longish, 10 months, but I honestly felt it was more of a FWB situation at times. It was very sex driven but not nearly as “romantic” as other relationships. Then I had one FWB and that actually felt more like a relationship but it was kind of secret because of ex partners who we didn’t want knowing about it. I am not saying don’t set a goal, just don’t try to create a reality before you even know your compatibility.

  5. Then see younger women who dont wanna settle down. man! enjoy being single and when your ready to settle down then do so!

  6. I’d rather have consistently great sex with one person than gamble with one night stands. That said, you can really like someone and then be unhappy with them sexually due to compatibility. I have dated people who had way lower sex drives than me and it sucked. But I personally wouldn’t have left them just for that. Now that I am single this time around, sex drive is an important factor to me and I probably won’t commit to anyone who I feel like can’t keep up.

  7. If you click with someone and are open with them about wanting to explore what you like and don’t like it can be a thing done with that person if they are accepting of it. If not then you just decide how you want to handle that either stick around or find other people. But I mainly would say usually when ur with someone and y’all communicate what you like and don’t it works way better then with some random hook up lol.

  8. Well you can try having sex with a few people just to get it out of your system but you will probably become dissatisfied at how it is meaningless but you should try it out if you didn’t have the chance

  9. Companionship, trust, friendship, affection, love and commitment will trump sex any day.

  10. You will only regret it if you want to have those sexual experiences and would enjoy those sexual experiences.

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