Has anyone tried using an over the counter Chloraseptic Throat Spray, like vics to numb throat and remove gag reflex?

  1. You won’t numb your throat enough to remove your gag reflex – pain will be reduced or removed, but you’ll still sense pressure. Note that you can tickle your uvula (the hanging down part in the back of your throat) to stimulate a gag – this doesn’t hurt, just makes you throw up.

    Anything that removes pain during sex of any sort is a bad idea. If it hurts, your body is potentially being damaged. You need that signal to stop serious hurt.

    So the bottom line is that throat spray won’t give you what you are hoping for (reduced gag reflex) but will increase your risk of injury.

    Don’t do it.

  2. Anything that isnt for sex, so not labelled with “for blowjobs” or “increase pleasure while x” should **not go anywhere** near a penis (or vagina). Its not meant to go there. It can have so many bad reactions.

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