What is essential for a happy sex life?

  1. Having an open discussion about sex (kinks, what’s working, not working, fantasies), be genuine (don’t fake it), explore your body (masturbating), foreplay, have sex on a regular basis, experiment, address concerns (painful, ED, menopause)

  2. Can’t believe nobody has said consent yet, so I guess it falls to me.

    Consent should be first and foremost.

  3. A strong physical ‘spark’ or connection, communication, and the desire to please.

  4. I am surprised no one has mentioned – making each other feel desired. While communication and all those things are super essential in the bedroom, I feel that for me at a basic level I want to be shown that I am desirable; through eye contact, through flirty texts, through the cliched “you make me go crazy” type stuff.

  5. Compatible sex drives. And in the absence of that, a willingness to compromise. One person may get less sex than they’d prefer and one may have to have more.

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