In Asia there’re tons of things to do at night even past 10pm, like night market, food stand, karaoke and all the things. After moving to America I found most shops close early at night except bars and no one walks around after 9pm. What do Americans usually do at night?

  1. Some cities have late night offerings. Go to Chicago or NYC and you’ll see people out until 6am.

  2. >After moving to America I found most shops close early at night except bars and no one walks around after 9pm.

    Where do you live? I’ve found this to be absolutely not true. Even some pretty small cities have a street or two of downtown areas where many people walk and go to the bars at night.

  3. What do 330 million people in the worlds 4th largest country by size do at night? You name it.

    I live in a rural area. We might have a bonfire but usually just quiet stuff inside the house. Movies, board games, listen to music, etc.

  4. I go to bed at 9pm because if I don’t, when my child wakes up at 5am, I feel like death.

  5. >After moving to America I found most shops close early at night except bars and no one walks around after 9pm.

    Pretty sure that’s dependent on where you are in the US and not a general American question

  6. It depends on where you live. One of NYC’s nicknames is “the city that never sleeps. “

  7. > I found most shops close early at night except bars and no one walks around after 9pm.

    My exact thoughts after being in Europe lmao.

    Cities in America are always awake late. Some of the northern ones, like Minneapolis, shut down early in winter just because it’s fucking cold. But new York is literally called the city that never sleeps.

    More rural towns are but quieter and have less going on. Bars, back yard bonfires, late night life talks in white plastic chairs around a pool getting eaten by mosquitoes.

  8. Asia is a whole ass continent and I find it hard to believe what goes on in the remote areas of the Himalayans is similar to what’s going on in the heart of Shanghai.

    >like night market, food stand, karaoke and all the things.

    All of these things exist in the US somewhere or another. Maybe not in your specific area, but they exist.

    I will say dedicated karaoke bars aren’t nearly as popular as they are in Japan or Korea, though you’ll find them if you go looking. Its far more common for a bar with a stage to do a karaoke night rather than be a dedicated karaoke bar.

    The only dedicated karaoke bar in my area is owned by a Korean family and its similar to those found in Korea where you rent a room so you’re only performing for those in the same room as you. But in most bars with a karaoke night, you’ll just be performing in front of the whole bar on the same stage a live band or comedians might use on other nights.

  9. >no one walks around after 9pm

    Thats definitely a location thing, a lot of shopping areas are for all effectively separate from nightlife areas.

    Major cities barely even come alive until 10 so theres often a couple dead hours between the general commerce winding down and the nightlife getting going.

  10. During the week my husband has to be up for work by 5am so we are usually heading to bed at 10pm. Before bed we might watch a tv show or a movie together. We are watching Yellowstone right now. Play video games or read. On a clear night we might hop in the hot tub and star gaze. On the weekends we go out one night for dinner and we might catch a movie or another activity like a festival. Pre-covid we would invite people over to hang out, watch movies or play cards. But we still go to bed early.

  11. I rather be home at night but if I want to go out after midnight I do any of these.

    * Go to a 24 hour restaurant (Waffle House being the go to place)
    * Drive into the city, clubs usually close at 3am – 5am
    * Hangout at someone’s house
    * Go to a 24 hour park (these are usually only in the city)
    * Bowl (some bowling alleys close at 2am)
    * Strip Club (usually close at 2am)
    * Hit up Walmart (before the pandemic when they were 24 hours)
    * Go to a 24 hour gas station (convenience store inside)

    I would go to the park but parks close after sundown because they are massive with no lights so it would be dangerous to go there.

  12. Here in the city there are some 24 hour places, from fast food to bodegas and diners. My local diner used to be open 24 hours until the pandemic.

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