Me and an old coworker reconnected after a few years on social media last week and long story short we found out that we both really like eachother, we both put in the same amount of energy into our conversation and she has been very vocal about how she finds me attractive and how she always wanted to go out with me. She gave me her number and we made on going out.

The day we planned for didn’t work out but we made plans before that if Friday didn’t work out we would go out on Wednesday this upcoming week. She communicated to me that she still wanted to go out with me and even said she hopes I dont change my mind on seeing eachother. I reassured her that I still wanted to go out with her and we can plan some other day, and that was the last time she texted me and that was last Tuesday.

I tried texting her the next day but got no response and I also tried texting her on Friday and got no response. She hasn’t been on any of her social media accounts since Tuesday and when I try to call her and her phone goes straight to voicemail. I sent her a text on social media asking her about this Wednesday and I’m still waiting for a response. It doesn’t make sense that she would just ghost me, unless she did a complete 180 which also doesn’t make sense. It makes me think that maybe she didn’t pay her phone bill or there’s something going on that I don’t know about.

I don’t want to give up and miss out on the opportunity to date her because she is a really cute and sweet girl who sounded like had a lot of interest in me but at the same time I don’t want to be left hanging. I’m not sure what the best thing to do in this situation, although just wait for her to get back to me. I’m not sure what to think of the whole situation either. My gut is telling me something else is going on but I can never be sure.

  1. I feel like this is a case of “if they wanted to they would” you can either approach this by just forgetting her, or at least try to, or give her another chance if she asks for one and don’t expect anything.

    Going after someone who’s flaky doesn’t ever seem to go well.

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