Throwaway because I saw her use reddit once and I just wanna be safe

basically the title. I just find her cute and really enjoy being around her. Honestly I dont mind if we never progress past just being friends like we are now. But man it is driving me insane thinking about if she feels the same because the more I do the more, I feel like I spiral and I just need to get it out to someone.

So when I met her I was in a relationship, and a decently long term one at that. At that point the relationship wasn’t really going the best, and when I met her I definitely felt something, though being taken I didn’t really dwell on it. However after the relationship ended I really started to feel it more.
I’m just gonna list out some of the things she’s done thats made me think that she might like me back.

\-less than a week into knowing her she got me gifts (she did not know I was in a relationship yet) and still continues to, however she is a gift giver and buys most people gifts.

\-she always smiles around me and laughs at all my jokes

\-I’ve heard that if someone’s feet are pointed towards you that might mean something? I dont know but she does that

\-She makes an effort to keep the conversation going and actively tries to talk to me, though not sure if she does this others

\-she stands close to me and always makes direct eye contact

\-she seems to talk about me with her friends/people she knows

\-she bought and played my favorite game, along with watching an hour long video essay I sent her

\-She’s said she feels like she can tell me basically anything and has told me things that she apparently hasn’t told anyone else, though I will add that a few of the things she’s told me other people found out and she didn’t seem to really mind

And I know this is going to sound so stupid but god help me I cannot get over it. She really likes Final Fantasy 7, and so do I. Her profile pic on a few sites is Aerith. Once I saw my contact one her phone and the picture she has for my is Cloud, the main character and the presumed guy Aerith falls for. She has also stated multiple times how much she loves their relationship. Now the picture is of the original model and it looks kinda goofy which is most likely the reason, but I cannot get over it.

Now obviously I can tell she at least likes me enough to be a fairly close friend, but I cant tell if she just see’s me as a really close friend or maybe has feelings for me. Any time I’ve tried to say that I really appreciate or care about her a bit too much she kinda just laughs it off or something. We never hang out outside of school because she says that she has a hard time saying no to things, so I don’t want to ask and make her hangout with me when she really doesn’t want to. Thats another reason why its so hard for me to want to try and advance it, because I’d rather just stay friends than have her say she feels the same because she feels bad or like she has to.

honestly getting this all out has been really nice, and any advice would be appreciated. thanks for reading

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