I m28 can’t for the life of me understand this at all. What is it with people now and just getting into a relationship to hurt someone. How is that fun? Every time I’ve dated someone the person cheated and broke me in ways that caused me to come closer and closer to being someone I can’t stand to look at in the mirror. And then when the hurt individual is left picking up the peices trying to recover what is the obsession with coming back to break whatever is left of the person they used to be. Do people get off sexually by hurting people in ways they can’t recover from mentally or emotionally and before anyone says ” oh you’ll recover , it won’t always hurt” no thats not always true, when someone you truly love hurts you in a way that shattered your mind and heart and every emotion you have you may recover on the outside but on the inside there will always be a part of you on the inside that crys out asking why what did you do wrong to cause this or there will always be a small part of you that aches inside whenever you have to interact socially with the person who hurt you.

So let me ask again….why do people enjoy hurting each other. What makes it feel so good to crush someone entirely and why do people enjoy it so much to watch the light leave a person’s eyes after you’ve broken them to the point they can never trust again. And how do people sleep at night knowing they get off on watching someone die inside possibly never to recover mentally or emotionally.

Tl;dr: why do people get into relationship just to hurt the person they are with?

  1. You sound like you’re in a lot of pain. Just wondering if you’re currently in therapy? It’s really hard not to internalise the things that other people do to you, sometimes talking through it and using evidence based practice can help. It has for me.

    I still have a hard time with a lot of things, but they’re getting better and I don’t hate myself anymore. I used to cry when I looked in the mirror because I hated myself so much. I’m not at 100% yet, but I do know everything will be okay for me one day, and it’ll be a lot of work, but I have a lot of tools and support now that has made it doable.

    I hope you’re okay soon. Relationships can be hurtful and damaging, and you’re not alone in how you feel. Many, many people have been where you are right now, and many, many people have been able to heal.

  2. Based on your post history… you need therapy. You will never find a worthy partner to love you if you don’t love yourself.

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