I just wanted to get this off my chest and I have no one to talk about it to. I broke up with him cause I can’t take it anymore. He always found a way to make me sad. It came to a point where I’d cry because of him every few days. It hurts so much. He didn’t want to break up with me and honestly I didn’t want to either. But I’m done crying all the time. I don’t know if I had an overly high expectation from him, honestly, I don’t even know if I made the right decision about breaking up with him. But it’s come to a point where I’m losing my self respect. I’m sad when I’m with him and I’m sad without him. I don’t know what to do. I’m not able to stop crying. I think it’s cause I know he loves me, but I just can’t understand why he says such hurtful things to me and picks on my insecurities. He does it over and over again no matter how much I tell him not to do so. I’m just stuck in between. I’m stuck between my self respect and my love for him.

tl;dr – I broke up with my bf, but cannot understand if I made the right decision or not because I’m sad with and without him.

  1. a healthy relationship you are equal partners and both of you add to the each others lives. you are supposed to be positives for each other. clearly he was not a positive for you as he was bringing you down and sounds like it was even intentional. the reason most people talk down to their partner is to control them and manipulate them into staying. you did the right thing.

  2. You’re in a hard place to be but you’re making the right choice. A good relationship won’t make you feel like you’re sad with them or make you feel like you’re losing self respect.

    It won’t be easy to move on. It will probably be hard to resist temptation and try to work it out. But you won’t be happy doing that.

    Hang in there. These feelings will pass.

  3. It sound like he had control issues or his own insecurities. Don’t feel bad about taking yourself out of a situation that was toxic for you. If you care about him, explain how some of the things he said made you feel. Hopefully he’ll be able to work on himself for future relationships so another girl won’t have to go through the same thing.

    Best of luck 🙂

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