What is dark/bad side of being a Men?

  1. Having a very limited, almost non existent support structure when you have negative thoughts. Unless you’re lucky enough to have a close friend that you feel comfortable confiding in or can afford as well as feel comfortable talking to a therapist you can often be left to work through some problems alone.

  2. If anyone accuse you of sexual harassment, you’re guilty no matter if you’re guilty or not. And if proven to be not guilty, the accusor will suffer no negative repercussion.

  3. The expectation that you don’t need help and that you can do everything on your own. Failure is not an option.

  4. Definitely not having an outlet to talk about your feelings or mental health. We don’t get as many resources compared to women with that stuff. Also the fact that nobody actually gives a damn about you or your problems since you’re supposed to be strong, you’re supposed to provide. Not to mention if you open up about abuse the world laughs at you, plus all it takes is a false accusation to ruin a man’s life. We push every emotion down and bury it until we eventually blow up or off ourselves. Do people care? No

  5. Mostly likely to die at work and at war. More likely to do poor in school. More likely to be a victim of a crime. More likely to go to prison.

  6. This question appears to be misandrist — implying that men have a “dark/bad side.”

    That’s really insulting to good men.

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