Hi all 👋


I graduated from University recently, and have since moved back to my home city.

Most of my friends are international students or live in different parts of the country, so in moving home, i’m having to make my friendships from scratch.

I have been using meet-up groups to connect with new women, i’ve had at-least 2 meet-ups with each new person i’ve met…. but now i’m at a point where I feel like, ‘Now what?’… i’ve ran/I feel like i’ve ran out of topics to ask these people so i’m reluctant to ask them out again ( i believe asking them out again would help solidify the friendship).

It’s been over a month, since seeing some of them – I don’t want to loose their interest…

I felt it was easier and more natural making friends at University…

  1. People do different things every week, and new things happen to them. So, start out with “How was your week,” and then link to what they say with a relevant comment, question or insight of your own. Surely you have “ideas” — you’re an educated person who’s just graduated from university.

  2. I feel like TV shows and music albums are made for this.

    You could also try getting them on board with a new hobby of yours, or slipping yourself into a hobby of theirs. But watch for cues that they’re actually interested.

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