I had this old best friend Cindy who I knew since I was a toddler. I grew up with her and our families are very close. Over the past year or year and a half, I have detached myself from all of her family because of some shit she did.

She and I were in the casual dating stage, but we were farther into being each other than other people who are in the newer stages of dating. I loved her and I know she loved me- we liked each otjer since we were young kids, and I didn’t make my move on her until I was around 19.

Things were actually going good. We would hang out everyday, she was invested in me and I was into her. Out of nowhere she said she couldn’t do it and made a very lame excuse as to why she couldn’t date me. Turns out she was with someone else at the same time. I mean it wa sa shit experience, but it’s her choice to do what she wants and I didnt force her into anything and I gave her space.

I stopped talking to her for weeks and she came back to try and talk to me again. She said she was sorry and missed me and asked me if we could be friends. Well, she got pregnant very shortly after that and I decided to keep my distance because I still loved her, I was protecting myself and moving onto the next.

She didn’t leave me alone honestly. Shebwas with her new man and she would come to my house to “hang out with my mother” then come and try to start talking to me again. I changed a lot during the following year. I got myself in shape, I invested time into caring for myself and making money. She invited my family over for her birthday last week amd she also asked if I could come. I didn’t go and she showed up to my house again when her mother came to visit mine.

I kept my distance from her and she came to talk again. This is where the whole hooking up with her happened. Im the past time that I had not seen her, I got multiple tattoos all over my body. On my back, my arms , my legs, etc. She started a dumb conversation about how she liked my tattoos a lot and asked if I had more done and she asked to see them. I didn’t really want to get half naked in front of someone who treated me how she did, but she kept asking and she tried getting my shirt off me so I showed her.

She got touchy with me and made the excuse that she just wanted to see how they feel and her touching me led to us kissing to us getting in bed together. I didn’t really know her situation with her partner at the time nor was I thinking about it. After we had sex she stayed with me for a while and she cried a but and she told me she made a mistake not staying eith me before. She started texting me a lot again, and she said she thinks we could still have something because she has always loved me since we were younger.

A part of the old me inside me wants to believe there can still be something there, and the incident kind of re-lit my feelings for herba little. I just don’t think it would work knowing that she chose somebody else over me before and she has a whole family now; they arent just dating, they’re married and have a young daughter together. How do you guys suggest I move forward with her and what I should do regarding telling her husband? Should I just ignore her and not tell her husband to avoid them breaking up because of their kid? I don’t know, I know I’m a bad person for what I did and there’s no excuse, but my emotions got the best of me.

  1. Dude.. what a clusterfuck. Firstly, she cheated on **you** to be with her husband. Then she cheated on her husband, with you. Not only is she too immature to make up her mind, she is also trashy enough to fuck someone else while married. What makes you think she wouldn’t do the same thing to you? Let’s say she divorced her husband and got together with you, how can you be sure she wouldn’t cheat on you? Because she claimed she should’ve picked you? When she did have you but cheated on you to be with her husband?

    That girl is a mess, and you’re sucked in to her mess. Cut her off, inform her husband that she cheated on him with you, and don’t accept her back if there is a fall out. Move out, or tell your family you don’t want her there when you’re home.

    Get your shit together dude.

  2. You made a mistake. I would run for the hills and go NC. She cheated on you when you were dating seeing another person and got pregnant. Then she cheats on her husband with you. She doesnt really have a track record of being loyal and good decision making. Would you be ready to be in a relationship with her if she divorced her husband because her kid will be there and will be a constant reminder of the other guy and you were always the second option.

    I would tell her to tell her husband or you tell him because it’s the right thing to do. After that I would never talk to her or keep in contact with her ever again.

  3. This girl’s a nightmare, tell her husband what happened and cut contact with her.

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