I will be talking about three instances that happened today and yesterday regarding my coworker (who I will call Bird). First, I had been working at a fast tempo because we were busy and I a lot to serve. We were both headed towards the kitchen, but Bird was walking slowly infront of me, so I said “Walk faster.” They slowed down even more until we got the the kitchen. I meant what I said in a joking manner, but I know that might have come off as harsh, so later I apologize and said I didn’t mean to sound rude, I was trying to joke. Bird said that they didn’t mind and to not worry. Later, I had just finished cleaning out dishes from the dish tubs, and went to go put them in a station to be brought downstairs. Then, Bird came over and said “Wait.” I was a little confused so I said “What?” I didn’t not say it with any kind of tone, I was just confused. Bird then said “Calm Down” in a tone that sounded condescending to me (I could have misinterpreted because I’m not great with tones or social cues all the time). Lastly, I was putting ice cream in a ziploc with ice, and accidentally spilled some on the floor. Bird was behinde and started laughing. Idk why, but this madee irritated. I relayed all this to 2 of my co-workers, and they said that that Bird is just an a-hole sometimes and is rude/flirts with everyone. (I did not get a flirting vibe at all, bird just seemed rude and to bot like me). There were more little instances, but these are the most recent ones I can remember. Am I just being sensitive?

  1. it sounds like you were rude but played it off inauthentically, and now your coworker is engaging in a coworker relationship as though you were a joking/sarcastic person when you were actually being authentic initially. it’s going to have to be communicated about.

  2. It sounds like you’re being a bit sensitive.

    But perhaps your coworker also isn’t the easiest person in the world to get along with.

    So, I’d recommend you put a bit of effort into getting on with them. It’s quite possible that they won’t put the extra effort in. But that’s how life works. It’s better to be a person who is willing to put the extra effort in, than the person who does not.

  3. Bird seems to make their own assumptions, just tell them you’re uncomfortable with them and avoid anything outside professional behaviour – talking it out with people like this has never worked out for me

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