I’ve read a few articles about it. Eye cream, staying hydrated, sleeping more, Preparation H, cucumbers, and many others. However, I want to hear it from actual people and not someone that probably copied and pasted a Buzzfeed article. I’ve got dark circles pretty bad. I look like I’m either high or drunk in every picture I’ve taken in the past 15 years. I’m only 33, so I hope I’ve still got some good skin left in me.

What works for you? What doesn’t work for you? Did these things make a dramatic difference or only a slight difference?

  1. Brew green tea bags- stick them in sandwich bags and put them in the fridge/freezer. Works so well

  2. Lowering sodium, quitting drinking, and compresses fixed mine.

    Are they puffy or drooping? If they’re puffy, the above may work. If they’re drooping you’ll need to consult a dr. It can be something related to your skin, eyes, or blood flow.

  3. Good eye creams with retinol and collagen actually work pretty well. I’ve noticed a *significant* improvement around my eyes in the last year, to the point I’ve gone from always being able to see the circles when i look in a mirror to having to look from certain angles just to see them anymore.

    The dark circles are caused by your skin around the eyes thinning from a loss of collagen that comes with age and the blood vessels underneath becoming more visible. Collagen plumps up your skin and makes them less visible.

    Another factor may be that as I started looking into how to get rid of those circles, I started learning more about proper skincare in general. I rinse and moisturize my face several times a day now, so that may also be responsible for a lot of the improvement.

  4. What does your diet look like? A lot of times nutritional deficiencies or dietary intolerances are root causes for this.

  5. Honestly go to a dermatologist and/or plastic surgeon if you’re serious. Folk remedies are usually kind of garbage.

  6. As others said, what works, at least for me anyway, is decent sleep, lower stress levels and drinking > 2 litters of water / day.

  7. Do you have eye bags, hollows under your eyes, or darkness/discoloration? You may benefit from using undereye fillers (Restylane). It sounds a bit extreme but if it is bothering you a lot, I would recommend seeing a dermatologist. There may be some different treatments such as IPL (intense pulsed light therapy) or prescription only cream. You would most likely benefit from Retinol as well.

  8. Tea bags, fresh out of the tea, as soon as the temperature feels comfortable enough. Don’t burn yourself, obv. A minute or 2 is enough to make a visible difference

  9. Drink more water, adopt a healthier diet, and sleep more. I’ve had friends who have lost job opportunities because they looked as you’ve described and were told by recruiters that they looked strung out. In their case, they were gamers who would be up until like 2am each night gaming and surviving off 3 – 4 hours of sleep each night.

  10. Moisturise properly, get more sleep.

    It’d help if you’d had a solid skincare routine for the last 15 years, but it’s not too late to start.

  11. Ive lost about 45 pounds in the past 8 months or so. Ive noticed my bags and circles under my eyes have lightened up and greatly improved. My guess is a combination of eating better, consuming less sugar/liquor, weight loss, and drinking more water has contributed to this.

  12. I asked a dermatologist about this recently and she told me there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s hereditary. She also specifically said eye creams are a waste of money.

    Her assistant told me to get more sleep though.

  13. i tried everything and nothing works.. until one year we went to iceland and rented a camper van.

    there’s no wifi at the camp site and mobile signal is bad. We were also extremely tired from all the hikes during the day. Hence we slept at about 9pm every night after dinner.

    Ten days of that, we returned to London with no eye bags.

    However, within 2 months of London life, eye bags are back.


  14. I’ve tried everything. About a year ago I got filler. It works. You can get the kind that lasts a year or two years. I went with the two year. Best thing I ever did. Plus, I hate dealing with creams every day.
    Dermatologists sell an under eye bleaching cream. It works if used consistently, but it almost looks like bleached marks. Not natural.

  15. Concealer is the only 100% guaranteed way to get rid of dark circles, at least until you wash it off at night. Some people are just prone to darker under eyes genetically. If this is really bothering you then makeup might be something you could try.

  16. Get some fixer from naked/urban decay. Seriously, just throw in the towel and blot some magic on those bags.

  17. Check your diet.

    I was constantly asked if I had been in a fight due to the dark circles under my eyes looking like black eyes.

    Diagnosed coeliac in my late teens and went gluten free… Within months my dark circles disappeared and some 25 years later…. Have never returned.

    I’ve since learnt very dark circles are an indication of potentially needing a dietary change (not necessarily gluten free)

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