I’ve started going out with this girl. We’ve been to a couple of parties together and it’s been fun, and the few dates we’ve been on have also been great and I’ve really enjoyed them. Except tonight, she went to a party (that I wasn’t at), got really drunk, and to put it super plainly, her drunk personality gave me the ick. She was super messy and making jokes about making out with one of my friends, then following it up with “I’m kidding I’m kidding”

Basically I kinda wanna know if this should be as much of a dealbreaker for me as I feel it is right now, or if I should be patient.

  1. If this is a 1 off incident then np. But if she’s drinking alot like every few days or binge drinking every weekend then ya run.

  2. If it makes you uncomfortable, then that’s that. I dunno who “jokes” about fucking the friend of someone they’re seeing. I see that as valid to move on. It’s about you though man.

  3. I pretty much despise everyone when they’re drunk and you’re not. It’s like dealing with a toddler.

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