Thoughts on Eating ass or ass being eaten on a one night stand and why?

  1. One night stand, no. But I would do it the 2nd time after they had time to prepare by showering and shaving down there

  2. I don’t enjoy it and wouldn’t do anything I don’t enjoy with a one night stand.

    If I actually cared about the other guy and he *really* wanted me to do it, it’d have to happen after a very, very long bath.

  3. My husband eats my ass sometimes, the feeling itself isn’t pleasurable, but when he pins me down and eats me out, it turns me on

    Really it’s a personal thing, it’s a one night stand so who cares, if you want it, go for it

  4. That’s a bold move boy. Now I’ll eat a girl out but idk. If the booty clean than I’ll eat it. It’s right there after all. Just play it by ear when your down there.

  5. Nawh, I don’t eat pussy or ass on one night stands unless the woman is paticuarly beautiful.

    In fact, one night stands are the only time I ever use condoms.

  6. When you see ass-eating or anal in porn there is a whole process of enemas, flushing and deep cleaning you don’t see. These are generally planned activities with a fair amount of preparation and not to be attempted on the fly or with strangers with an unknown level of hygiene.

    Eating a stranger’s ass is virtually the same as licking inside the bowl of a random public toilet.

    If you are stupid/nasty enough to do it then you deserve all the e.coli and/or hepatitis and parasites you get.

  7. What thoughts do you want? Is it my ass you’re eating?

    I’m cool with you eating mine if you want to. But I’m not going to eat yours that shit sounds repulsive

  8. I mean I do what makes my partner comfortable. I personally wouldn’t ask for my ass to be ate but I wouldn’t decline most things if it brings pleasure

  9. I mean I eat my wife’s ass, by far the strongest scent ever and I approve but I’m the giver.

  10. You’re an adult (probably). You don’t need anyones approval to do what you want to do. As long as your partner is willing and you’re willing. Eat all the ass you want, just breathe away from me when you see me on the street.

  11. Too many variables to get a correct response. Scenario one, Your at a party and enters (name your hottest celebrity) her hair is still damp from showering, she picks you up, takes you home. Your both nude, playing, the room is well lit, her ass is waxed and bleached……. wouldn’t you? Scenario Two, your at a party and a attractive girl takes you home. You know nothing about her, you make out in a dark bedroom, can’t see anything……Would You?

  12. I’m only recently into eating ass, and my partner hates it despite my new found appreciation for it. Despite my intense desire to go there, I might not go to town right away with a brand new partner unless given a clear indication

  13. Well, there’s a big difference between porno ass eatery and homemade, they have special enemas and concoctions, if you want to go digging for brown nuggets and or hair….. go for it!

  14. >thoughts on eating ass

    Batter Fried pork bung is not a dish that just anyone can appreciate.

  15. It is healthy to keep your natural immune system active by encountering small amounts of “foreign” bacteria fairly often. However munching someone’s behind is not my favorite way to do that.

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