Hello! This would be a little bit lengthy post. I really need your help because I’m feeling depressed about it.

I’m 20 years old, but I lost so much sex drive and the ability to feel emotions. When I was a teen, I used to produce so much vaginal discharge. I can get horny and wet easily even without kissing. I used to have a huge clit too and always have an energy to do everything. Obviously, I became depressed at the age of 17 and started gaining weight. At first, I don’t have any problems even if I’m gaining weight. Not until my pee kink worse (where I force to stop my pee to get aroused) suddenly I feel something popped inside. From then, I started noticing that my clit is starting to hide and eventually get smaller. I don’t get aroused even if I kiss my ex. I feel empty and just emotionless. I don’t know if it’s because of hormonal imbalance or if there’s something that happened in my vagina when something kinda popped inside.

I searched about it online and it says that I have low testosterone levels. However, I’m starting to go to gym and I still feel the same. Plain, no sex drive, tired always, and just horrible overall.

If you have any idea on what may have happened to me, please let me know. If you have any idea to at least treat this, please let me know. I’m really sad and distracted every day because of this.

I’m disappointed because I used to feel good about myself, but now I don’t know what to do anymore.

  1. I’m not qualified to comment on your health, and it’d be great if you saw a doctor about your situation. In general, depression comes with emotional numbness and loss of sex drive. That part sounds normal, even though it sucks.

  2. Was this pop physical thing?

    I can think of hormone I balance caused by weight gain

    Or unbalanced pelvic floor

    What caused the depression? Is it still there?

  3. Hiding and getting smaller is potential atrophy. That’s a serious problem that requires medical intervention.
    Have you taken any medications recently?

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