I am sometimes reminded of the question, what do people think about when they work hard? Some will think about how to make money quickly to spend, while others will think about how to save money in the bank or other savings for their families or their parents in the future. I make money for my future family and my own family

  1. im not sure i understand your question. i dont really “work hard”, i try to work smart by automating tools at work while i sit at my desk 8 hrs a day. I try to work smarter, not harder. In addition i do budget by making sure i save for current, future, and retirement.

    your parents should be responsible enough to save for their own retirement

  2. “People are working hard to putting food on their families.”

    – George H. W. Bush

  3. I work hard by giving it my all with the paid time I am given. I work smart by making sure I don’t exhaust myself and don’t work for free.

    All I care about is my family, my purpose, and enjoying life’s constant balancing act. [+]

  4. I work hard to secure whatever lasting security I can for me and my significant other. We don’t plan on starting a family, but it’s better to have and not need than to need and not have.

  5. It’s a mixture. I work hard because my job (ideally) gives me personal fulfillment. I’m working for a company whose mission I believe in. I also own stock in the company, so working hard is self-serving.

    I also work hard for the folks on my team that report to me. My success is their success and vice versa. I want them to do well too!

    I also work hard because I have financial goals in life, and yes, that includes my family. The big goal right now is saving for a down payment on a house. Should have it in another year or two.

  6. I think about how my occupation provides for my family, today and down the line. I fund current expenses, 401k, HSA, DCFSA, and 529 plans with each paycheck, each representing an aspect of the safety net I am building for them. Any one strand can fail but as a whole they will be provided for, even if I pass away earlier than I think.

    I take pride in what I am able to do for my family.

    I have a few hobbies that I fund as well but those tend to go by the wayside most months, I’ll do a few major purchases each year and pay those down slowly.

  7. Sure, there are times where I say “I do it for my family” but I’ll be honest, I worked long hard hours long before I had a family.

    Don’t get me wrong, it is nice to provide for my family. It is great that I never have to worry about money when it comes to my kid’s education, my wife’s health, or have to (seriously) budget our weekly meals. And yes, I have now recently passed on some opportunities because I value the stability and pay of my current job.

    But if I’m truly honest, I work hard for myself. I like the validation of being good at something. I like to see the fruits of my labor. I like hearing from employees how much they enjoy working for me. And yes, I like making lots of money. Weirdly, I don’t spend a lot — my wife and I share a car and we live in the smallest house in our neighborhood. But I work for the validation it provides me.

    I do watch out for my family. We have an estate plan, we have life insurance, we have retirement accounts, etc. Everything my family will ever need financially is covered whether I am still around or not.

    I am starting to prioritize time with my family to make sure that I don’t work at the expense of my family.

  8. I work hard for myself and my significant other. We don’t have children and have no intention on having any. We like to travel and live a very active lifestyle.

    We both work hard and make decent money. We are prepping for retirement, home improvements and to have fun! Having kids doesn’t guarantee they will take care of you so we will take care of ourselves. Both our parents make good money and will take care of themselves when they retire.

    I’ve always been ambitious and work hard (too much) but the benefits of compensation make it worth it.

  9. I don’t have a family, I work hard to survive and to fund enjoyment when I’m off the clock

    No offense but I can’t fathom having the energy to be a husband and father AND have work suck the energy out of me daily….maybe one day I’ll have some easy big money job and I’ll be a family man, until then it’s just work and relaxing

  10. Idk about other people, but if I had a family I would take pride in it and definitely not let money go to waste when I could work harder and make their lives better.

  11. You want to be indispensable. If you hate your job and are just giving the bare minimum then you are just wasting your life. I don’t get all this quiet quitting. You are a pain for your coworkers who do care about their work. Do everyone a favor and just quit and do something you enjoy.

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