I want to ruin every relationship I have

I have the worst relationship with my parents as a 15 yr old girl and things are going downhill which is making me want to ruin everything else in my life. My friend told me a secret and I feel like telling the rest of the freeing group to ruin it. I want to ruin the relationships with friends and teachers I have just because I want to feel even worse.

I know this is messed up and i hate how i feel this way all the time.

TL;DR: i feel like ruining all relationships in my life. idk why this is happening

  1. It’s probably happening due to a mix of stress, adolescent hormones, and inexperience dealing with negative emotions that makes you leap to bad coping mechanisms. If you asked your parents to take you to a therapist, would they? Because the solution is to learn healthy coping mechanisms. Also time, but that part of the solution will have to wait.

  2. Well; if you want to alienate yourself from the world and have people hate you; that’s a really good way of starting it.

    Why you’d want that type of drama in your life is beyond me; but I can promise you, it’s going to lead to nothing but regret later and potentially add even more weight to whatever you’re going through.

    You shouldn’t try to ruin other people’s lives just because you have crap going on.

    My mother didn’t exactly win any mother of the year awards, but I definitely didn’t take that and go make everyone else suffer just to bring them down too.

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