I had the rare opportunity to play a video game this weekend. While waiting for it to load, I caught myself thinking “games never used to take this long to load.” I then blamed “the cloud” and suggested that “they should just put the games on CDs again.”

  1. Moving out on your own for the first time. I can never get myself to stop myself from talking about how people used to expect to *rent* a place with **multiple people** to reduce the costs and have a fun, relatively inexpensive living situation in their early 20s. So many people have this impression they need to move into a place on their own these days, which is insane to me, since most people are at or near their lowest income-earning years at that age. Plus it can be fun as hell to have a place with friends.

  2. Cloud gaming is not so great. But I’ll tell you that when I switched to the PS5, it blew my mind. Load times are almost completely gone.

  3. In my 50s unfortunately and it has become almost a daily lamentation for me. I have now witnessed 5 decades of devolution, and it is exponential in many aspects. I have seen many great things happen but I think I have seen more go the opposite way.

  4. What game were you playing on what system??? Modern games load soooo much faster than older systems. A lot of games nowadays don’t even have more than 1 loading screen.

  5. Sometimes I look up from my phone at all the people staring at screens and think to myself that back in my day, people didn’t spend all their time staring at their phones. Then I look back down at my phone.

  6. I actually was just at a social event and reminisced how things were before cell phones – like I remember setting up a meeting somewhere, and if the person didn’t show, having to find a payphone to call their landline to get what their status was.

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