I am a 19(M) and a freshman in college majoring in Animation and Visual Effects. And throughout my entire life, I never dated, held hands or really had a full crush on someone(I have sorta had feelings for someone but never really realized them until later). The two literal closest things I have ever had was in middle school where; Someone put a love note in my locker, but it was addressed to someone else, and the time one of the more popular girls sat next to me on the bus and thus a new rumor had begun throughout the school. Throughout high school, I never had an established crush, IDK I guess I was too focused on passing my classes, the same thing as I am nearing the end of my first year at college. I do not believe that I am a bad-looking guy, yeah I am super skinny. but I am trying to work on that. I am asking this because even though I have a good small group of friends, I’m just lonely, I’m scared that once I leave college/school it’s gonna be almost very difficult for me to make friends or even a girlfriend when I am on my own, and not surrounded by many people in classes and the campus. I don’t know if I trust Tinder or any sorta dating app, because of all the stories I hear about them, and I am too much of a pussy to ask anyone (and again I have never really felt any urge to ask anyone out.) I also just want to see if even I am worth someone choosing me as a boyfriend. I know relationships take a lot of work. But I have zero ideas where to start.

TL;DR I am 19(M) in college and lonely. I have friends but never got close to dating in my entire life. Never even held hands or really had a crush on a girl. How do I start dating, or even find a potential girlfriend?

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