How did having little to no friends effect you in adulthood?

  1. I stayed in my room for what felt like years. Felt like i was missing out on life but life passes you by whether you do anything or not. Only you can work on friendships and getting out there meeting new people again

  2. It’s just lonely, and the loneliness turns into spiraling, and the spiraling turns into despair.

  3. Honestly, it’s been really hard and it’s really hard for me to make friends or get close to people especially women.

  4. I keep expecting everyone to ditch me at the first possible opportunity, to go hang out with each other. I feel like a social burden.

  5. Still have no friends, have no idea how to make friends, missed out on fun things young adults do. Have no idea what to conversate with other adults about.

  6. I have BPD & ASD and being a part of a social group of even just a couple of friends is exhausting and emotional torture. Count me tf out ✌️

  7. I nearly became agoraphobic. I still suffer from severe anxiety, social too. I feel crippled and it’s limiting from so many opportunities and good friendships out there. I also feel like I am extremely weird and hate that feeling (at work when I try to be “normal”)… being “anti-social” somewhat destroyed me and I allowed it to cause some self-destruction within me… I flat out avoid people at all costs and have been trying my best now to maybe slowly get used to being out. I literally dropped out of school due to this. I wish I can just become “normal”, thing is, I can’t and I only feel comfortable if I have someone with me but I also don’t go out to make friends so jokes on me…

  8. There’s no short answer I can give to this question, BUT how you feel and your family feels about you having few friends is a huge factor

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