I don’t know if this is about social skills, but it may relate to that.

I go swimming 2-3 times a week.

The guys there are all fking hairless. They don’t have any hair. Anywhere. How? Why? Waxed? They are always like perfectly bald.

Only the older ones have some hairs here and there.

I’m the only monkey. Should I really get my hairs off? It seems like a lot of work.

I only get my torso hairs down sometimes. As I have a lot of that. But with the trimmer. I works well. Even if it grows back in less than a week. I waxed it once and it hurt like hell and I’ve got a rash. And the first time I got that off I was like 15 and I did it for a girl. It may have been stupid… I shaved it with a razor. It went well. I got the rash only the day after that date at the pool (luckily). But the hairs’ got even thicker after that.

The hairs on my legs are like 5 cm long, I think. I don’t know if I should take that down. It would be kind of weird.

I won’t get my arms’ hairs down.

But the important part…: The pubic hair. And the posterior one. lol. They have no hair neither on the balls, nor on the ass, as I kind of have. How do they wax that? And why some people have so many hairs, like me, and others don’t?

I don’t understand that. I should spend at least a day every week making sure my body has no hairs? How fked up would be that?

How do you do that? Hair sure seems gross, I think. And I feel like it makes me seem different. And I don’t like that.

  1. I think it’s bc the hair slows them down while swimming.

    They either are mutants or the get laser or waxed by professionals.

  2. Some people have no hair, some people are super hairy.

    Your relative hairiness probably makes other people seem much… sleeker than they actually are.

    The only thing you should probably worry about is if your pubic hairs can be seen through your swim clothes. Most people would probably find that not nice to look at. I’m assuming you notice other guys’ pubic hairs in the shower or changing room though and not while swimming or otherwise out in public.

  3. I’m 34 and almost have no body hair. It’s just genetics.

    I know a woman who was always really hairy ever since she was a kid. I believe she uses Nair on her entire body. Might be faster than shaving with less chance of irritation.

  4. Unless you are training to be for a race, there is really no need to remove the hair

  5. A lot of swimmers remove body hair but not just with waxing. Shaving and depilatory cream (Nair, but don’t use on your genitals/sensitive bits) are popular too. Shaving is probably the cheapest option. If your hair is very thick and long you trim with an electric trimmer before a removal method.

    Lots has been written about this in mens magazines. Let’s be real many women emote body hair too so any advice for them will be at least a little useful to you too. Go forth and research.

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