I am 31 and my husband is 34.

We have had a long distance marriage for the most part and we started living together in December 2021. We have had some periods of living together both pre and post marriage.

We both have some savings and investments however we don’t have joint finances. I have a education loan of $25k. The understanding is that we’ll take divide our bills but the education loan will be solely paid by me.
Ever since he has moved to Europe with me, I have been asking him to think and plan about the future, in terms of house, car and a baby. However, he doesn’t consider this a priority and says that we have time to plan that. When I question him if he sees a future with me, he said of course he does. I have no doubt that he loves me but this really worries me. Now, his parents, brother and he have decided to buy a house for their parents. The down payment was done by the parents but the remaining is being paid by my husband and BIL. The property is jointly owned by the parents. Yesterday, we had a huge argument since he does not plan these things with me, keeps on delaying but agreed to pay $30k loan for the parents.
I also have long covid so bouts of depression, anxiety and he has been good through the journey. I took some medicines and am seeing the therapist. Yesterday we talked about the baby and he confessed that he does not know of and when he wants it and is kind of concerned if I’m in the right state to have one or commit to having a baby.

I’m really at an impasse and don’t know how to proceed. I feel that he priortises his family over me and my wants.
For buying our house, he says that we shouldn’t buy one and wait for the prices to go down and decide in which country we want to settle in

For context, we are both earning full time in good jobs (joint income €7k post taxes). We’re Indians settled in Europe and the parents property is in India.
I just feel worried since he trusts his family and they are good people but I feel paying $30k over a property when we need to have that money for ourselves is not healthy or good financial planning and more so when his name is not on the deed also.

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