I (22F) have always kissed on the first date. I never initiate it, but it’s happened every single time and I just kind of go with it after the guy imitates. I have been attracted to them all so I’m not opposed to it, I’m just not sure if it’s a good idea. The kiss happens about an hour or 2 into the date. The guys I have dated have never been stellar, they usually get flaky after and then can’t decide what they want but I wouldn’t say they are promiscuous either. Most of them have been with 3 or fewer people based on what they have told me.

Should I stop kissing on the first date? I’m not sure if it’s normal or makes me look promiscuous. I have never actually gone all the way, so I don’t think I give off “loose” energy, especially because I don’t imitate it first but I don’t know. What do you guys think?

  1. It’s not bad to fuck on the first date. People are different and just do what feel’s comfortable to you. You issue has nothing to do with kissing and everything to do with the content of the conversations you are having.

    Being able to figure out if there is a genuine connection between you and the other person and not just attraction would help.

    At the very least ask yourself why they are being flaky and doubt it is because of kissing.

  2. Depends on the vibe. If you are feeling it, go for it. I don’t think kissing on the first date has any effect on the potential of that person and where it is or isn’t headed.

  3. As a guy, I consider it a very good sign that the girl is into me if we kiss or make out. It’s a good thing. However, my last relationship started with “You can kiss me on the cheek for now, and we can go on another date, if you want that.”, so that works too (that relationship didn’t last). Flakers gonna flake no matter what you do, it’s not something you can control.

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