Roughly how often do y’all replace your underwear?

  1. Every year but I don’t buy it. I’m a poor college student, very minimalist. I ask my family for Christmas to give me basic clothes like socks, underwear, shampoo. I end up with roughly a years supply of goodies.

  2. Whenever it starts to get holes or when the elastic doesn’t stretch like it’s supposed to. So at least 5 years, usually more

  3. As a guy… We Just replace them when they become so worn that they no longer hold your tackle in at the bottom. Lol

  4. Yearly, when there are sales on so the expensive ones are really cheap. I buy a few new ones and throw the oldest ones out

  5. Elastic or holes, never would have thought using the internet would be so taxing on underwear !

  6. when they start to fade or lose their color. I mostly wear black so about 6 months to a year.
    Or when they get too loose that they start riding up your ass

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