I feel like shit cuz he is actually my type and he’s sexy but when he was fucking me, he bit on my nipple so hard it started bleeding, like literally blood flowing. He said its part of the kink but honestly I’m not having it. He still didn’t get off me when I kept on telling him to, and by this time I was on the verge of tears. And I punched him across the face. He said he’ll report me for abuse or something? But I don’t think he’ll have the nerve to do it.

I got it disinfected and had put on some band aid. It stopped bleeding since its a relatively small wound, but I’m still scared.

  1. Yes, but aim for the crown jewels with your knee as well next time. He’s not qualified to use them anyway.

    Also if he tries abuse, you can uno reverse with assault I think.

  2. He was the one sexually abusing you. You can’t just bite someone until the other person bleeds without consent.

    He sounds like a shitty person and you could report him for that.

  3. Uhm his kink is sexual abuse. The second you revoke your consent and let the other person know but they refuse to stop, you can do everything to get them off of you. Everything. Punch, bite, kick, scream, scratch.

  4. Of course you are right to punch him. First of all, he can’t do stuff to you that you didn’t consent to! And you also told him no several times, but he didn’t listen. What exactly was he expecting? Punching him was letting him go easy, if you ask me. Please never see him again, you deserve so much better thab someone who continues even when you are on the verge of tears, like what the actual fuck. I’m so sorry this happened to you.

  5. Considering reporting the incident first, it’s quite common for the police to work with the assumption that the one who comes to the station first is the innocent party because it’s often correct.

    Edit: also should be damn proud for standing up for yourself so well. Hope you do alright recovering from the shock.

  6. a kink is fine if all involved are OK with it. There’s even BDSM kinks that involve needle play in the nipples.

    You, however, were NOT ok with it, and that makes it SA, not a kink.

    No means No, and if you’re going to do this sort of stuff you need a safe word anyway.

    Communication is extremely important if you’re doing non-vanilla stuff. Frankly he’s lucky he got away with just a punch.

  7. he was absolutely in the wrong to do that to you and you were totally justified in punching him

  8. Nothing that you didn’t agree to beforehand is “part of the kink”. That’s the first breach of consent. If he hadn’t said that, maybe I could have considered it an accident.

    You then asked him to get off you and he refused. That’s the second breach of consent.

    He won’t report you for abuse, because in doing so you’d be able to provide the evidence that he abused you. And it wouldn’t be a bad idea to report him anyway. Take some photos of the injuries for evidence.

  9. Dont allow any partner to label abuse/assault as a “kink” to make it OK. He assaulted you and then threatened to report you when you protested. This is not OK.

  10. You said no. You said get off me. You are the one who can get him in trouble for anything after you said no. Punching him was self defense.

  11. No matter what happens, if it is consensual, it is okay. But once you withdraw consent, and say “no” if he continues it is rape. Imagine you are giving him head, and you bite his cock so hard it bleeds. How would he respond? You are 100% correct. Why would you continue with this man. He may be “your type” but sexual activity is as important as anything else that makes him your type. 50 years ago women married men before sex. Imagine if you had married him and on the wedding night he bit your tit so badly. What would you do then. Sex is a critical part of marriage early on. What you did is perfectly okay.

  12. Why tf would he do that? I know a girl that had that happen and it got infected and she had to have a drain thingy put in he nipple to drain the infection.

  13. Yes you’re in full right to defend yourself. Don’t feel bad, he was getting off on your pain and discomfort at your expense. You’re not in the wrong in any way here.

  14. If he reports you for assault. Report him for sexual assault or rape. The fact he kept on you while you told him to stop is clearly assault. Your post doesn’t indicate if you two were already having sex.

  15. I am so sorry this happened to you, him not stopping when you said no classifies this as rape. Honestly I’d make a report, you have physical evidence from him biting your nipple so hard. It’s not kink if there’s no consent involved, that’s just assault. None of this is your fault and please don’t blame yourself for any part of this

  16. You said no, he kept going. That’s sexual assault. He deserved to be punched. If I were you, I’d report the incident first so that the cops have your side of the story.

  17. > He still didn’t get off me when I kept on telling him to

    Reporting you for abuse? You should report him for rape.

  18. Didnt talk about biting and breaking skin beforehand and establish a safe word? Then he assaulted you.

    You told him to get off you and he didn’t? Assault.

    You punched him in self defense. Never heard it so cut and dried before. I’d fucking *dare him* to report you. That’ll go over *really great* for him when you have a bite mark that matches his teeth on your nipple.

    You’re fine, girl. But this guy isn’t your type. Hes not respectful of your well-being.

  19. He raped you, you defended yourself, and he is going to report you? That makes no sense.

  20. As s side note, *please* keep a close eye on that wound if you don’t go to the hospital for it. Disinfect it thoroughly and keep it clean. Human bites are one of the worst in this regard. I’d hate for you to go through all this AND end up with a permanent reminder or worse.

  21. Man tried to eat woman. Man threatens legal action when woman stops him.

    This is the dumbest timeline.

    Sorry for your experience.

  22. I am heavily in the BDSM kink world. You were assaulted and should report that asshat. At the very least out him on whatever app you found that trash on. If he gets away with that shit now what will the next woman have to endure?

  23. Nah you shouldn’t have punched him,
    You should have kicked him in his huge balls, since he had the nerve to report you for abuse after what he did

  24. If he starts with disrespecting boundaries so hard you bleed imagine what he’ll be doing in a year

  25. He bit you nipple with out your consent. He’s damn lucky you didn’t turn him in for assault

  26. He was BITING your nipple until it bled?? And then gave the babyback bitch excuse of “kink”? Yeah you were right to punch him,I wouldn’t say anything if you grabbed his nose and snapped it. No means no means no and if you’re violating someone don’t be surprised if they injure you to get away. It’s human instinct to fight a violent aggressor.

  27. He assaulted you and he’s going to report you? Oh that’s rich. Tell him to get fucked and throw his ass to the curb. Report his ass. He BIT you. Girl, *he fucking bit you*. That’s assault unless you specifically asked him to do it. He assaulted you. You should have kicked him in the naked dick. Fuck that guy. Idk where you live, but I’d file a police report, if for nothing else but to have a paper trail if he does decide to be a little bitch ass and try to report you.

  28. This was self-defense. You have a right to defend yourself. I hope you got him good.

  29. “He said he’ll report me for abuse or something” This POS assaulted you and he thinks he’s going to report YOU! He’s lucky all you did was punch him.

  30. Even if it was painful enough that the punch was just a visceral reaction you’re in the right. He shouldn’t be biting peoples nipples without asking.. Not communicating a kink throughly and then acting on it without consent is messed up.

  31. That isn’t a biting kink. That is abuse.

    My partner likes to be bitten. But if he says I’m biting too hard and he doesn’t like it, I’ll immediately stop it.

    Kinks are all about consent. Heck, even CNC is about consent.

  32. This turned to rape half way through. Although I don’t know if it’s grounds to press charges, I sure as heck would tell EVERYONE about him. Let him have a hard time hooking up again.

  33. You shoulda bit his dick. Hard. (No don’t really do that, just imagine doing that as retribution).

  34. Guys literally don’t take ‘no’ as an answer sometimes. Or they think that there needs to be a better reason than just saying ‘no stop it’, some pressure and say “why though” like 3 times like mate get it through your thick skull that saying ‘no’ doesn’t require additional reasoning if someone has said ‘no’ then quit pestering and stop. As a woman I would’ve punched him square in the face.

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