Started dating a guy and his baby mom is stalking me on social media and is being vile to him

We have only been dating for a month but have known each other for a few years. He is 30 and I’m 31, he has two children and has split from his ex two years ago but they did try again numerous times.

Since he has met me he told me how she has found out about me by stalking him on a fake profile (we both have made our accounts private now), has said comments to him like “you normally hate girls like her”- I’m a model and have glam photos, every time we’ve been out previously she has screenshotted whatever I’ve posted on our date nights and has sent it to him and then non stop rang him while I’ve been with him.

Recently she has now told him the kids don’t want to see him when he has gone to pick them up while giving him abuse in front of the kids. The other day he asked her if she could hand out his child’s party invites to her friend (he is doing his own party for her on his day) and she said no it’s your party you sort it!

I don’t really know where to go from here, I know it would be so much easier if I just walked away but I’ve started to like him and know we have something special but I can’t help but feel guilty that this drama has happened because of us dating.

Any advice would be appreciated

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