So basically I’ve been thinking about having sex but the only thing stopping me is my big insecurity of having inverted nipples. I’m a girl with a pretty decent body but my nipples are just not okay. No matter how hard I try to take them out they’re just too shy to come out or something because they seem to be a severe case of inverted nipples. Even my sister and my mum laugh at me for having “weird nipples” and my biggest fear is that my future boyfriend will act the same way or just be super turned off by it. What should I do? I know it seems like I’m making a big deal about it but I’m kind of worried if I can even have sex without having a weirded out boyfriend.

  1. I mean I doubt anyone seriously cares that much?
    Have them pierced if it bothers you as I can assure you pierced nipples are always bloody out and ain’t nobody telling them otherwise, plus they’re obviously great to look at.

  2. Your nipples are more likely to fascinate him than turn him off. They’re attached to your breasts, which I guarantee he worships.

    Don’t be afraid or insecure about them. They come in all shapes and sizes and men universally love them.

  3. In my experience, guys actually think they’re cute. They’re nothing to be scared or insecure about I promise 🙂

  4. You really shouldn’t worry about it. It’s just a peculiarity of your body that’s either entirely insignificant or maybe even something cute and special about you that sets you apart from most other girls. Nobody’s gonna be bothered by it.

  5. I’m sorry they have made fun of you, I understand how hard it is to shake insecurities when you haven’t had much experience but I promise you they won’t care! this might give you some confidence there are actually alot of people who find it a massive turn on . Look on here you will see. r/InvertedNipples

  6. Yeah I would totally dump you the second your bra came off. That’s just not acceptable /s

    Seriously though, you will find a guy that’s in to you, and he will not give even a single shit, I promise.

  7. I have one inverted nipple and no guy has ever said anything and I definitely don’t think they care. Having sex with you will be so exciting for them that they likely won’t even notice at first. When I’m in long time relationships I do end up bringing it up just cause I’m still insecure about it. I’ll usually say something like “I would love to get nipple piercings but I can’t cause I have an inverted nipple”, which is stupid lol but then it starts a conversation about it! Then it’s out in the open and they’ve always said that they don’t care

  8. First of all, it’s wrong for your sister and mum to laugh at your nipples especially if they know (?) you’re self conscious about them.

    One of my nipples is inverted and there are days where I look at it and hate the way it looks and other days I don’t care.
    What I can say though is from my past experiences, no one has cared about the way my nipples were or at least didn’t care enough to bring it up.

    In fact, last year when I met my partner, I was worried about our first time being intimate together and brought up my “problem” and showed him. He was really sweet and reassuring and says he loves the way they look!

    So I think try not to stress too much about it (I know it’s hard). If someone isn’t accepting, they’re not worth it

  9. There’s nothing wrong with your nipple to me they are perfect alot of people have a insecurites learn to love them

  10. Don’t worry. I have been with a girl who had them. Didn’t bother me at all. In fact we were quite good together. I don’t have a fetish for them but nothing against either. I think most guys would be fine with them.

  11. Next time you Family brings up your nipples ask them point blank “why do you care so much about my nipples.”

  12. There’s nothing wrong with them. The pornstar Siri had inverted nipples. She had a big career and made lots of money with her body.

    If someone actively mocks you, they’re a shitty person.

  13. So, I had a girlfriend with innie nipples. One more than the other. It was very interesting to have to tease them out.

    Also, it’s a really good thing. You’ll come around to this eventually. If you take your top off for him, even if you have 80 year old biker boobs, and he freaks, then you learned cheap without a lot of investment that he’s not worth your time. It would have been far worse later when it took maybe 6 months to figure out he’s an idiot.

  14. If he really loves you, he won’t even notice them being “weird”. They don’t see our insecurities like we do.

  15. My first girlfriend and my wife have inverted nipples. They will not scare anyone and a lot of men prefer them.

  16. I’m not gonna ask for pics but this doesn’t sound like a problem. r/InvertedNipples gets a lot love, thing is different people like different stuff, he might absolutely love them or not care st all.

  17. If he loves you he will adore all your unique differences. If he has anything mean to say he ain’t the guy for you.

  18. The issue isn’t your nipples, yourself, or your boyfriend. The issue is your family tearing down your self esteem. Love yourself. Your boyfriend will love your body. If he doesn’t, he’s not the right person, and that’s ok. You’ll find someone you thinks you are the next Helen of Troy

  19. I’ve known plenty of women with inverted nipples, men they’ve been with never seemed to care. I know about their nipples due to anxiety about breastfeeding which was never an issue either. Your nipples are perfect just the way they are.

  20. I had a look at some inverted nipples. If I even noticed, I would not at all be bothered. Nipples come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

  21. Your female family sucks. They are the ones who put those thoughts in your head to start with!

    But anyway, if anything, your boyfriend will probably be really curious once you show him, not because they are ugly, but because most people who are attracted to women LOVE the variations that exist in the female form and will want to learn/experience as much as possible about something that’s so rare in the population.


  22. If he likes you it won’t matter. I personally quit seeing someone for this, but I’m an asshole and I didn’t like her that much.

  23. That’s really mean and insensitive of your mum and sister to laugh at something you have no control over. That’s body shaming, and it’s not OK no matter who it comes from. Your body is beautiful just as it is, and any guy worth your time will think so too.

  24. I don’t think it’ll be an issue at all but move at your own pace and explain to him beforehand your nervous about them.

    Should mean less pressure to share nudes and stuff.

    I had ex that has one, or one wouldn’t come out to play and it upset her but was rewarding when I gave enough attention to see it reveal its magic!

  25. As a guy… I’m pretty happy about seeing boobs. Any kind of boobs. Big ones, little ones, in between ones. Big nipples, inverted nipples… If I’m seeing boobs, I’m happy. Totally get that it’s a confidence issue, but I can almost promise you he’s going to be happy to see boobs…

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