I have a hard time telling lol. So i have a friend(? acquantance?). I always have a hard time telling whether someone actually genuinely likes talking to me.
If this friend complains to me about people he doesn’t like, tells me about new people he talks to, and tells me about people he finds nice to talk to, does this mean he enjoys talking to me?
We happen to see each other quite a bit because of school so it’s either he likes talking to me specifically so he shares these things with me, or he just tells me these things because he wants to talk and it’s convenient to talk to me. Hoping it’s the former because I really enjoy talking to him. But our personalities are quite different so I’m surprised someone as loud and funny as him would want to talk to someone as boring as me.
Thanks in advance!

1 comment
  1. Does he listen to what you have to say? Or make an effort for you? If not, he probably likes talking i guess. I used to think it meant something but learned that some people just talk to let off steam and it’s not because they think you’re close or something. Could be either

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