How do you tell if she’s interested in you and not your car and money?

  1. Take her out on a date that you k ow she can afford. “Accidentally” forget your wallet at home. Keep a card hidden in the car though. Act embarrassed when the bill comes. Omg I feel like such a dope. If she pays with zero hesitation that is a good sign. If not pay for your meal and leave.

  2. There is no sure-fire way to tell if a woman is interested in you or your car and money. However, there are some general signs that may indicate her level of interest. For example, if she regularly compliments your car or asks about your financial situation, she may be more interested in your possessions than in you as a person. Additionally, if she seems more interested in talking about materialistic things than getting to know you on a personal level, she may be primarily focused on what you can provide for her rather than on who you are as an individual.

  3. That’s like asking if you’re interested in her or her looks. The answer is probably yes. You are probably interested in both, the total package.

  4. You don’t show all your cards before having gauged her interest. Once you know that she’s interested in you without the financial aspects, you let her see more of what you have. Arrange dates where you don’t need your car; Meet on the spot, take an uber or a taxi, choose to walk, etc. You don’t have to be cheap but remain modest enough to be ambiguous.

  5. I’m not 17, so I’m well past going out with chicks who are impressed by cars.

    I never tell anyone what I make, so it won’t be that.

    I have it on good authority that what they dig about me is the fact that I’m basically an erudite, witty 80s TV action hero.

  6. Why the fuck would a girl be interested in a car? Unless she is a car enthusiast ofc, but most girls are not.

    A nice car is seen as “has money” if you want to get down that rabit hole, but no one cares about your car besides that.

  7. I think it’s fairly easy to figure out if a woman is materialistic or not. If she’s into expensive brands for clothes, shoes and make up, if she wants to go to posh restaurants and expensive hotels as the only options she can think of. Red flags right there

  8. I don’t have a car but I don’t tell people how much k make. I live a quite humble life. I could live a lavish life with the money I make but I don’t want the kind of people it attracts. Sadly no one yet wants me for me haha 😂

  9. How do you tell you’re interested in her as a unique individual? Dating is not a relationship – it is getting to know and find out if she is interested in you for the right reasons

  10. If she doesn’t know about your money or car to begin with, you wouldn’t have to doubt her intentions.

    Lead with yourself not your earthly attainments. She can discover that dimension of yourself later when you confirmed she is in it for you, not the lifestyle people like you can afford

  11. Take her to do things that don’t require a car or money for a period of time. If she was in it for the car and money, and you pick dates that are just about personal time for a while, she will leave when she realizes shes not getting those things via proxy to you unless she actually likes you.

    Go on hikes/walks or coffee dates to somewhere local, or tell her shes going to pay for her own way. Then down the road, when you see shes doing that and shes into you and not your stuff, slowly introduce the stuff. The money and car are the privilege that comes with being with YOU, not things that come via proxy through you.

  12. Tell her you are filing for bankruptcy, stop paying at dates, wear old torn clothes, use public transport exclusively, only eat at cheap cafeterias, don’t call her and only let her call you, only give handwritten pieces of paper as gifts and so on. After a few weeks you will be able to tell. And don’t be surprised if you are not found to be that interesting.

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