Y’all, I’m way too old to care, but I do. I don’t know how to let what others think affect me.

  1. Think of it as this way. Would your worrying really change the way people think about you? I tell that to myself since I do what you do a lot.

    You’ll be fine when you realise it’s not in your control anyway. Take care!

  2. I still care, but the pool of people I care about what they think – is very small. My husband, my kids, my family, my closest friends…. That’s about it. I’m no longer really bothered by what strangers or acquaintances think.

    I think it’s partially age, and covid helped me reset my values / layers of importance.

  3. I’m not sure you ever stop caring exactly. What you get better at with age and experience is discerning the value of others’ input. You realize most of outsiders’ opinions rarely have the full picture or that they may not be qualified to have an influence over any of your decisions. Just how I view now.

  4. It just happens as you age. You realize that everyone around you has their own flaws and are just as insecure about them as you are.

  5. The desire for self gratification outweighs the desire for people to think fondly of me 😂

  6. A switch happened at 40. I unapologetically started living my life the way I had always wanted to. It was very freeing!

    Funny story: : I remember telling my niece (14 at the time) when we were getting ready to go grab lunch and shop. She kept fussing over herself and worried about how she looked and being too shy to order her own food . Now she was then and still is a beautiful girl but I said to her no one really pays attention because they’re all too focused on themselves 😂. She told me recently that she still thinks about that and how it helped her with her feelings of insecurity.

  7. As I grew my self confidence and self worth, I realized what others thought did not always match how I felt about myself.

  8. Although I do agree that it gets easier with age, I decided I was sick of living my life worried about anyone else. I told myself constantly that what anyone else thought about me is none of my business and eventually I just believed it. I know who I am and know I’m amazing, beautiful, funny, etc and have so many qualities that are great. The more you work on improving your self image, the less you care what others think.

    Now, I do still care that the people I love think I’m a good person/friend/wife/mother.I just don’t care what strangers think. 🙂

  9. I started a self help Journey after I broke up with an ex and decided I wasn’t going to put up with this that or the other things and if somebody crossed certain lines I would just burn that bridge.

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