Hi! So, I’m gonna go straight to the point. I’ve already had a girlfriend, lost my VCard and everything, but I’ve never really gone on a date with someone I know so little about.

I’m going on a date with my neighbor. There was this time we exchanged a few words, she said I have good musical taste and was very sweet with me, other than that we’ve never really TALKED before. However, this week I finally decided to ask her out and she agreed.
I’m almost sure she never had a boyfriend or went on a date with someone.

How should I act? How can I not be weird? I’m really nervous and would love some help! Thanks in advance.

  1. Lol this is so cute!

    Just ask her questions… engage and encourage her to be more comfortable. Keep the conversation light and smooth.

  2. And, strange as it might sound, admitting that you are nervous and that this is your first date ever might also help. 🙂

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