So I (21F) have been talking to this guy (19M) through text and snap for almost 3 months. Our families are from the same country and we both found out we live in the same state, come to know we have some mutual friends here. He’s overseas in our home country right now playing soccer until the end of November. We’ve only been texting and snapchatting, but I’ve been trying to initiate phone calls or facetime and he doesn’t want to. I’ve respected that (I’d rather talk to someone to see their face, but oh well) and things were great for a few weeks until two weeks ago when I decided to tell him I didn’t want to talk to him anymore as I felt that he wasn’t putting in the effort he initially was putting and not initiating things further (no good morning/goodnight texts, no consistent snapping, not wanting to FT, etc.). He said he understood and that he’s been busy with soccer and was worried if I was talking to someone else, which of course I’m not since I only like him. We didn’t talk for a day, but then I texted him and we started talking again.

It was all good again for two or three days when once again he started to be dry, take forever to respond, not send good morning/goodnight, and barely snapped. I decided to send him a very long text stating that I really liked him, but felt that he wasn’t interested anymore and I didn’t want to pursue something if it was one-sided. He read the message and took a long time to respond, saying that he hadn’t been feeling well and has too much on his mind and that soccer has been keeping him preoccupied and that he doesn’t want any pressure right now. I responded that that was fine and I’m not there to pressure him, but if he wants this to work he’ll need to put the effort in or I’ll just stop talking to him. He told me I needed to understand we’re in two different time zones and he has his dreams to work on which I respect, but we had been fine for 2.5 months communicating the way we did. I told him we should stop talking until he got back in November and see how it goes then and he agreed saying that we just started texting and haven’t even met in person.

Looking back, I feel like I scared him off because I put “boyfriend” expectations on someone who I met online and who I have yet to meet. But then again, texting can only do so much which is why I want him to talk to me on the phone until we meet in person. I get he’s busy, but so am I with school and work, and I still put in the effort to talk to him and at least try to push things further. It’s been a week and he’ll sometimes like my story or posts, but sometimes won’t. I texted him yesterday to see how he was doing and to apologize for what I had said as I was not being considerate as he has a lot on his plate. He left me on delivered for an entire day and a half (but was viewing my stories) before texting me saying he was just busy and he can’t wait to come back home. Very dry and to the point. I feel as though I messed things up with him when I really like him and just want him to put in effort like he did before. I don’t know what to do because I fear he might have found someone else to talk to and what if he comes back and never decides to hang out with me?

1 comment
  1. One thing I’ve learned with dating and relationships… You shouldn’t feel guilty or ashamed for having expectations nor for asking for what you need and want. You put your cards on the table, now the ball is in his court. If you’re both on the same page (relationship-wise), then he’ll find a way to make things work. If not, at least you’ll know before you become truly emotionally invested. In the meantime, I’d be open to meeting new people. You can’t put your dating life on hold, waiting for someone that’s a maybe. You deserve better

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