I’m dating a new guy (Mark) and it’s going very well. We’ve been seeing each other for about 6 weeks and I’m ready to introduce him to my friends. A friend of mine is throwing a casual party tomorrow and it seems like the perfect environment to introduce him to everyone.

The problem is I briefly dated a guy in the friend group (John) earlier this year, December 2021-April 2022. We were friends for several years before we started dating. It ended up not working out, there was a bit of drama but it ended amicably enough. We are cool with each other and there is no bad blood between us but it is still very awkward at times. We have not seen each other much in social situations since we broke up. But I know he is going to be at this party.

Should I tell Mark I used to date John? They’re going to meet, and I want to be considerate to both of them. I would rather not bring it up but I’m worried that would upset Mark if he eventually finds out.

TLDR- I used to date a guy in my social group, wondering if I should warn the new guy I’m dating before they meet

  1. Did you sleep with him? I might feel a bit funny about my GF hanging out with someone she slept with.

  2. I don’t know that I would call 5 months “briefly.” I would definitely tell your new guy this because it’s going to come out eventually and I’d be pissed if I didn’t know about it before hand.

    Also tell him today as opposed to as you’re walking in to the party. You honestly should have told him as soon as you knew about this party

  3. >Should I tell Mark I used to date John?

    Who do you want your boyfriend to find out from: you or someone else? Because it’ll eventually come up in conversation.

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