I live in an apartment building and last week, someone new moved in to one of the units on my floor. I also have 2 other neighbors who live on my floor. I’ve been friends with the 2 neighbors and would often party or hangout with them. Last Friday, I ran into the new guy and when I introduced myself, he recognized my name and stated that he had travelled to a nearby town with the other 2 neighbors the previous day and they were talking about me and saying “funny things”. I immediately confronted both neighbors and one of them unintentionally confirmed that they were in fact gossiping about me. To me, this is a breach of trust so I have since minimized communication with them though choosing to remain cordial. The situation has also led to me being pushed aside by all 3 guys. They no longer invite me to hangout, would walk past my unit to go meet the others and they have not made any honest effort to strengthen things out with me. I now feel the need to completely cut them off and not even talk to them at all but because we are neighbors, this would create a very awkward and tense environment. I do not plan to move out. I need some advise on what to do.

  1. Just remain polite.

    Can you get any feedback on what the ‘issue’ is that they’re gossiping about? Or do you have reason to suspect anything in particular? It seems odd that your two friends would befriend some new guy and then go hang out without you.

    That seems off right there.

  2. Don’t mind it, let them trash talk, be better than them and show the new fella that the others are wrong.

  3. I feel like you thought you were friends with the 2 neighbors, but you actually weren’t. Between them gossiping about you, you being comfortable completely ignoring them, and them being friends with the new guy so easily, it just seems like theres some type of misunderstanding going on.

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