What do men think of heavier women

  1. A heavy woman with confidence is one of the most sexiest things this world has to offer

  2. Don’t care.

    It’s about who she is. Head and heart.

    Granted, if you love them at a certain point you worry for their health, but it’s not a looks thing.

  3. I like thick women to an extent. But there is a point where fat is really unattractive to me, just on a matter of health alone it isn’t attractive. Beauty depends of course on how people rock certain aspects, presentation and personality.

  4. They’re human beings and don’t have any problem being friendly with them. I can’t say I’m physically attracted to morbidly obese women. Thick or chubby girls, as limping into the obese (not morbidly) is alright for me (especially with good fashion & facial features) but when you’re heading into the mid to high 30% body fat – na, I’m going to pass.

  5. All subjective, the “heavier” bit, unless you give us dress sizes. That said a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, and beauty comes from both how good looking she is, how she carries herself, and her personality. There have been a few bigger women I’ve met in my lifetime where I originally saw them as sexless but after getting to know em I’m panting like a dog

  6. Men are all different. So are women.
    Some heavy women are desirable – some are miserable.

  7. Honestly? Unfiltered? I avoid them at all cost. Even just basic interaction, if there are two lines open at the grocery store and one is a fat chick and the other is able bodied I am always going to pick the able bodied one. I’ll stand over sitting next to one.

  8. Go to pornhub and type in thicc. That’s generally about as large as most men want to go.

    If you want to see what men actually like. The porn views separate the wheat from the chaff. Its a free market there.

  9. Everyone’s physical attractions are their own and they can’t help it. I don’t mind bigger girls but obese is just something I cant do. We could still be great friends though

  10. cool. a heavy woman is a heavy woman. nothing to it. if we’re talking attractive wise, a lil weight don’t hurt. but really heavy women just aren’t my type. but just cause i’m not attracted doesn’t mean i think of them as any less of a person

  11. I prefer them.

    You’re gonna get all sorts of answers tho. There is no right or wrong answer.

    Some guys like big women. Some guys like thin women. Some guys like fit women. Some guys like all women

    It will just depend on the man.

  12. Heavy how?

    Heavier than me, like thick-fit? Yes please.

    Overweight and unhealthy? No. I couldn’t be with someone who doesn’t take care of themself.

  13. I think if they are comfortable with who they are then good for them. I am not physically attracted to heavier women, but I do have some friends who fit that description. They have awesome personalities and are great friends.

  14. As a rule, I stayed away from any woman I could not lift and carry across let’s say ten feet. Over time realizing that women and men can and will change physically over time. They gain weight or lose their hair or go gray or gain wrinkles or suffer the effects of gravity. I accepted women as they are and will be in the future. Dating then improved since I was able and willing to over look imperfections and short comings. Instead focusing on their hearts and respond in kindness and acceptance. To love them just the way they are, for no one knows what the future bring to themselves or ourselves.

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