I’m having sex with a girl soon and she wants me to cum inside of her. Usually I masturbate before sex to last longer but I don’t want my sperm count to be diminished before I cum in her?

How long before I see her should I masturbate to make me last longer but without reducing the amount of semen too much?

  1. Here’s what you should do. About 30 minutes before she comes, slightly touch yourself. I don’t mean strokes. Like, use one finger to slightly rub the skin for about 5 seconds at a time. Keep doing that until she gets there. Loads of cum.

  2. Yeah that helps make it last for me too but chill it will be cool. First why are you worried about spending count lol if it’s inside her you won’t see it most likely. You getter hope she’s on the pill or IUD lol anything! I think you should relax and just go with the flow

  3. If you are worried about lasting longer, then try taking your time during sex. I would suggest reading into edging. It may be helpful for you to practice taking breaks during masturbation so that you can be more comfortable with knowing your limits.

    Eventually, when you bring this to the bedroom, you can be communicative about stopping and changing focus to just your partner and letting yourself cool down.

    I’ve seen results myself going from 10-15 mins to 2-3 hours. All it takes is some practice and willpower 😌 … and kegals!

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