I went on a first date with a girl and it was incredible. We had an amazing connection and bond.

So here’s the thing, she told me that she enjoys organising things and we joked about it. For our second date, for a bit of fun I suggested she choose the location. She then ghosted me and told me she was annoyed that I had asked her out but had asked her to plan it.

Was I wrong?

  1. Yea this is all pretty goofy. On one yea it’s pretty annoying to have someone ask you on a date and then go “So what are we gonna do?”. Granted she did say she likes to organizing things and you wanted to give her a chance to do so. I’d say even if a girl tells you that, let her tell you when she wants to plan something.

    Or she just wasn’t that into you and was using this as an out. Who knows. C’est la vie.

  2. I mean, personally I like to plan dates with the other person. One person suggests doing something, but maybe doesn’t know exactly what, we both try to come up with ideas. I mean, it’s nice to be asked out to specific things you didn’t have to work on coming up with sometimes, but it seems awfully high maintenance or something to call off everything over that. To each their own I guess.

    I don’t think you were in the wrong, you two just weren’t compatible with each other

  3. It’s possible that if this happened over text, it came across as dismissive. Like you really weren’t interested in putting in any effort. If you want to try to salvage this, you could apologize if you came across wrong and explain why you asked her to plan it.

    But it’s also possible that she didn’t feel the same connection and just isn’t interested in going out again and this is her excuse.

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