What are some ways you take care of yourself? (mental health, physical wellness)

  1. I go often to the gym, write a diary at the end of the day of how I felt and what I did which helps me a ton! I also usually have once in two weeks a “spa* day where I do my nails, do a bath and more

  2. Chamomile tea, journaling, exercising/yoga, making time for my hobbies (knitting, cooking, reading, watching documentaries), eating 3 meals per day, drinking a lot of water (I got a giant Nalgene reusable water bottle next to me all the time), making time for my friends/SO/family, taking a day off, doing my own nails, skincare, taking a shower, taking a nap. I also put my phone on mute and I only check it every few hours so my friends got used to my habit of taking time to reply to messages. When the weather is nice, my SO and I also like to go to the park and lay on a picnic blanket to chat while staring at the sky, clouds, birds, and trees. We also like to go on walks together.

  3. Working out, walking, reading light read books, voice memo journaling (instead of writing, I record myself talking about my day), family/friends time, sleeping

  4. I work out every day before work, I go for walks after work when its not raining, and a lot of my weekends involve long walks. My skincare routine is sometimes the best time of my day, I use it as a chance to check in with myself mentally and physically, I add a good amount of facial massages and full body stretches while I’m letting the various potions dry. I make as much time as I can to paint as it’s my ultimate escape. I drink a lot of water and eat pretty clean, I also fast as it’s what works best for my performance throughout the day. I like the 80/20 rule of eating clean and also what you want. Feeling healthy is my favourite way to be, not that I don’t like the occasional drinking sesh, but I couldn’t live my life to the fullest without making my well-being a priority.

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