I went on a Uni trip today (Scotland) got eye-contact with this beauitful chinese girl, approached her and she said she is from USA (New York), studying in Boston. I asked her about weather, talked for 2-3 mins, and then got her phone number. Well, soon we will meet on drinks and I have no idea on what to talk to her about, like I dont know any cool thing about New York or Boston. She is studying business btw. Any ideas on topics that I can talk on.

  1. Ask her questions and follow up questions and be interested in what she says. If you don’t know much about where she lives, great ask her what it’s like! What are her hobbies? How does she like Scotland? I’m sure she’ll ask you about yourself too.

  2. Talk about yourself . Not in a braggadocio type of way but you know ,to make yourself seem interesting. Your hobbies ,interests , studies ,things like that . I’m sure she will share some of her own as well. This is when you ask follow up questions like another redditor commented

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