I only do one on ones. Every time I’ve tried to hangout with a group of people two people just kinda start having a conversation that starts to branch away from everyone else and there’s just a bunch of third wheelers, and that’s honestly best case scenario. Usually it’s just a bunch of people talking over eachother; it seems like this kind of stuff is only fun for people who like talking for the sake of talking because no one is actually hearing you unless if they get some trigger from something heard in the abyss of sounds. Idk, it just seems kinda dysfunctional. What do you do? Don’t worry so much of my opinion or try to relate to what I say when you respond, simply tell me what you are looking for, what do you look forward to when hanging out with a group of friends compared to a single friend?

  1. Its totally normal conversation will brake up to smaller sub groups in groups of people.

    Moreover if you don’t have common experience and memories together.

    If you happen to be third to a conversation of two, try to listen, and jump in if thats something related to you. E.g. “yes I heard about this” etc.

    Edit: also when you happen to be the one of two talking, try to actively engage conversation with the rest of group. E.g. what do you think about this / have you heard about it, etc.

  2. In a group of friends I look for hearing from each friend how they do, anything new, etc. Usually it takes turns. So one friend talks, other listen or ask questions. Then someone else talks. Its much more efficient than talking one to one, repeating same information to multiple friends.

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