I found out my co worker who is a super nice, got stabbed multiple times last years. He seems chill and laughs about it. I feel for him. How can I be there for him? Thanks

  1. Since he was stabbed last year I’m assuming he’s completely healed ( or as healed as he’s going to get) and my not need someone to be there or already has someone to help him. I would just say ” I heard about you getting stabbed, if you want to talk about it let me know”. Then DROP IT unless he brings it up. Remember this was a traumatic experience and he may not want to talk about it

  2. Buy him a nice set of knives /s
    If it’s been a year (or more), then he’s probably mostly over it if he’s joking about it

  3. I personally wouldn’t say anything to him. It happened last year, no non weird way to bring it up.

  4. Why do you need to be there for him none of your business honestly sound like a dam busy buddy that thinks they need to fix everyone.

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