How true is the statment that men are almost never monogamous if they’re financially independent and very social/outgoing?

  1. I live comfortably within my means and go out a ton. I definitely prefer the freedom to have multiple lovers instead of settling for just one. I don’t see any benefit to exclusivity for what I look for in relationships.

  2. Young people might find this hard to believe but there are actually people with integrity in the world.

  3. Who knows? Who even *cares*? If you’re looking for a faithful monogamous partner, you don’t need to vet *all* men. You only to vet *one* man.

  4. Being financially independent has no causation with being a shit. Being a shit is causally connected with the amount of self serving interest one has themselves and how little they care about others.

  5. So far with how athletes, politicians, actors seem to always have mistresses and pay for high level escorts. Once men have won the game they dont seem to settle on anything.
    I wouldnt say every man that achieves it is disloyal but i would bet on human nature over taking social engineering on that one most of the time.

  6. Generally, most men are as faithful as their options and since most men don’t have many options they act as though they would never cheat and convince themselves of that fact…the truth is they’ve never been tested before so they don’t know what they’re capable of

    We’re all capable of cheating if put in the right (or wrong) situation, when you have a lot of money and influence you are in a lot of compromising situations and you generally have more opportunities to cheat with very high-quality women…so yes a lot of high-status males do cheat, not because they are terrible people but because they have options/opportunities that most men would never have, and have never had…the average man doesn’t know what it’s like to have models throw themselves at them at a club or privet party, they think “I would never cheat” but the only opportunity they have to cheat might be with plain jane Jill from marketing

    Now I know that a lot of men in here will say “You’re wrong! I would never cheat! I’m me and I know dur dur dur…” ok fella, well you’re a special snowflake but the exception doesn’t create the rule and most men would cheat given the opportunity with a hot enough woman.

    Now, will all high-status men cheat? no, because they realize they are capable of it and don’t put themselves in situations where it can happen, but I’d argue that most or at least a very large chunk of “high status” males do cheat, and often their wives just sort of turn a blind eye to it and accept that it comes with the territory.

  7. I hate to say it, but none of the guys I know are, or have been, faithful. And neither have many of the women I know.

    But hopefully (kind of) that says far more about the type of people I know, than it does about men and women in general.

  8. I don’t know anyone who is outright financially independent at a young age, in the Forrest Gump sense of “he don’t gotta worry about money no more.” I do know a lot of affluent people who earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

    All of them, to a man, are serial monogamists. They frequently fuck around for a bit after a breakup, but they eventually get another girlfriend and stick with her for the duration of the relationship (or get married, that’s also common).

  9. Based on my personal experience this isn’t true at all.

    I think maybe what you’re referring to is the fact that outgoing, social, and financially well off men have those things plus the confidence that can come with those. And that is very attractive to potential partners and sexual partners. And I think a lot of men in that situation understand that they are attractive and get attention so they roll with it and have lots of sex.

    But I don’t think that the above qualities automatically mean he’s not monogamous.

  10. That is a desirable man, it is much harder to be faithful when girls are throwing themselves at you.

  11. I’m naturally monogamous. When I have a woman on my mind it takes all my attention.

    I’m a doc so money is OK and social etc.

  12. In that case, they have the option to have lots of women. Most men are monogamous because they have to be

  13. Not 100% but there’s a lot of truth to this. All those guys that are “scared of committment” are most likely just enjoying sex with multiple women each week

  14. Isn’t true because all men are different and are individuals

    Really depends on the man

  15. If you are high value, and know it, you are more reluctant to sign a long-term contract unless you get a lot out of it. It’s the same in sports. Star players nearing the end of a contract are going to start fielding offers from other teams, and dread the label “franchise player”. Now, some men don’t know their worth, and a lot of men do want a monogamous relationship and a family. It might take them a while to find the one, but they do. And some have hardened their heart through having it broken by women in their past.

  16. in this age of “information” make sure you are checking your sources.

    Now you have to define what you feel is monogamous…..that for you to define.

    From there each man is different and some get their value from the amount of women they surround themselves with at all times. Others are just having conversation and laughs and need not to have that conflated with romantic or sexual interest.


    In some cases yes, they are less likely to be monogamous but ore than likely they would be the same if they were poor if they are social and outgoing but money just makes it easy and makes them more of who they are anyway. I have a very good friend who was living in the den in his mothers house and was working on day a week at a shoe store and was walking a new girl out his house every morning. When he got financially well off and bought a house………. same thing

  17. I don’t believe thats necessarily true. It depends on whether they crave validation. Like if in the past it was not easy for them to get women, and now they are more attractive (financially at least). Women are not so different. They also crave validation but in a different way and also its much easier for women to get men than it is for men to get women so they’ll not necessarily need that validation later in life to the extent that men do.

    Its smart to make your man feel wanted as much you want to feel wanted and its also good to make him feel like you are proud of him.

  18. Men have lower standards and will often “fuck down.” Women won’t. The discrepancy is why things are so messed up right now while we try to make everything else equal.

    This has the side effect of making a lot of the more appealing men end up being cheaters. A guy will have sex with women if he can do better….. But he won’t stay with them.

    That being said…. Most guys are probably loyal…. I’m saying that the cheaters are often more appealing “too good to be true” and they are a lot more active…. Making them much more likely to be chosen if you are choosing the most appealing person on a regular basis and crossing your fingers that they don’t cheat.

    There are also lots of social factors that make a guy with options choose to not be loyal.

    The sad truth now is that most of the loyal guys are so discouraged right now that they probably need you to go find them and actually convince them that someone wants them… Yeah, its that bad.

  19. Monogamy is the next worst thing to abstinence. Monogamy is another word for monotony.

    Neither men nor women are monogamous by nature, despite what women say.

  20. I think the only true statement about men like that is that they can afford to be picky about their partner choices.

    Other than than I don’t think you can tie their “monogamy” to their financial situation.

    But someone in that position is going to have many “Alpha” type characteristics and will probably have more available“mates” to choose from than your average male.

    I think at this level it’s a numbers game, like a pro athlete or an actor or something. Your just going to get a shit ton more “At Bats” than the average person.

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